
Overview of WEEPI Projects

WEEPI provides support to clinical or implementation research projects through grants and capacity building to organizations and institutions in countries in the central and eastern part of WHO European Region.

The Foundation applies a phased strategy to grant-making with two types of grants: Stage 1 project grants and Stage 2 project grants.

Stage 1 projects

New applicants can only apply for a Stage 1 project grant. Stage 1 projects are smaller projects, typically with a duration of 1 year, which are meant to pilot a new research area.

Stage 2 projects

Grantees that have successfully carried out a Stage 1 project are eligible to apply for a larger Stage 2 project. Stage 2 projects build on the outcomes and lessons learnt from the Stage 1 project and aim to ensure sustainability of project results by transforming the new knowledge and evidence generated through the Stage 1 project. The duration of Stage 2 project is typically 3 years, with a substantially larger budget than Stage 1 project.